Saturday, January 4, 2014

Travel time | January Dollar days

Happy new year to you all !!

I hope you had wonderful and beautiful christmas days and a blast at new years eve !
We have spend the days with family and friends. And we had lots of fun and lots of food. I feld like a stuffed turkey at the end of the week. But it was great, and we were in good company.

A new year has began, and at Pixels and Company they start this year with a day by day wonderful deals. Have you seen it yet ? " January Dollar days ''.

And for this occasion, I have let my CT ladies sent me what they would like to have. Katell loved a travel themed kit, with the colours from her photo's at National park. It was a great idea.. and it turned into this.

Available at Pixels and Company 

My next products are listed for January 10, January 17 - January 24 - and January 29.
The next one will be an album.. but I wont share any details jet!

CT inspiration
by Katell
by Leandi (Isabel)
by Kelley
Thanks for reading,
Have a wonderful day

xx Anita

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