Thursday, February 18, 2010

RAK !!

Hi everyone,

Here is a little sneekpeak for you.. I have something new and it goes in shop tomorrow morning..
But before I do that I want to give you al a chance of winning this !!
Share with me what made you smile yesterday or today, and post it in the comment box. I'll be announcing the winner tommorow evening 20.00u CET

Have a great day !!



  1. Wow! Beautiful!! It made me smile yesterday when my little boy fell asleep in my arms, like he so often does. I love that feeling!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. when my daughter washed her hands yesterday she said: "the teacher told us to wash our hands very often to kill all the germans"...

    that sneekpeak looks promising, thanks for the chance!

  4. The birth of my sister's son, is with made me smile yesterday!!!!!!!!

  5. My mothers graditude, when I brought her home yesterday after one week in hospital with a heavy pneumonia, made me smile, I'm so glad she is still with me!

  6. De weegschaal- na bijna 5 weken, net geen 10 kg minder. Joepie.

  7. Mijn zoon van 3 die vanochtend zei kom jij maar niet hoor mam, laat papa mij maar ophalen, die is altijd veel vroeger als jij. Wat een schat he.

    Net je blog gevonden en wat een mooie designs heb je.

  8. Today i have smiled when my 10 months old baby tried to "dance" on the songs i did !

  9. The mess in my living room made me laugh today! I realize that my boys are happy playing together and making a mess TOGETHER.

  10. My daughter helped me make pancakes this morning and it made me smile. I love when she wants to help me in the kitchen. Thanks so much for the chance to win this. :)

  11. Today the sun is shining and that's what makes me smile! Thanks for the chance of winning. Hugs, sue.falstaff

  12. Today I smiled at the bunny tracks in the snow on my deck so the dog would have some excitement in his day

  13. Yesterday I smiled when my husband finally came home after a long workday. I was so happy to see him and give him a big hug. Anita, that sneakpeek looks very good!

    Thanks for giving all of us a chance to win!

    Greetings Monique


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